What is Code Detection?

Code detection in the context of General AI applications refers to the identification and mitigation of risky or malicious patterns within user inputs that do not involve direct code submissions. For instance, in AI-driven customer service chatbots, malicious entities might attempt to manipulate responses by embedding subtle cues or misleading information within the prompts. Code detection systems are designed to recognize and respond to such anomalies before they impact the AI’s operation.

When should you care about this?

This applies to you if you are building a Gen AI application that doesn’t require any code input to function properly. Hence, putting appropriate detection and interception in place against code injections can help put extra security measures against attacks such as prompt injection.

Layerup Security’s code detection feature is designed to identify and flag responses from LLMs that contain code snippets. This is crucial for applications where the inclusion of code could be unintentional or potentially harmful. Our system is fine-tuned to distinguish between actual code and data representations such as JSON or CSV, ensuring that only relevant code is detected.

To utilize code detection, invoke the layerup.code_detection guardrail. This will analyze the LLM’s response and determine if it contains code segments. If code is detected, you can define custom behaviors such as filtering out the code, alerting a moderator, or triggering additional security measures.

The code detection feature supports a wide range of programming languages and is capable of identifying code even within complex and nested responses. It is an essential tool for maintaining the integrity and safety of your LLM interactions.