What is Phishing detection in the context of Gen AI apps?

Phishing is a deceptive practice where malicious entities attempt to acquire sensitive information by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in digital communication. In the context of LLMs, phishing could occur if the model is compromised or if it generates phishing content due to malicious input or prompts.

The proliferation of Gen AI in user-facing applications makes it a prime target for phishing attacks.

As Gen AI applications become more integrated into our digital interactions, the risk of phishing attacks cannot be underestimated. Security teams must implement advanced detection mechanisms to identify and mitigate these threats actively, ensuring the safety and reliability of AI-driven communication platforms.

How to protect your Gen AI application against Phishing

Layerup Security’s phishing detection model is designed to identify and mitigate these risks. It scrutinizes the content generated by LLMs for signs of phishing, such as requests for sensitive information or links to suspicious websites. This guardrail is crucial for maintaining user trust and preventing the exploitation of LLMs for phishing attacks.

To protect against phishing, invoke the layerup.phishing guardrail. This will analyze the LLM’s response and flag any potential phishing content. If such content is detected, you can define custom behaviors such as blocking the response, alerting a moderator, or taking other appropriate security measures.

Our model is also capable of detecting phishing attempts that arise from unsanitized inputs or RAG-based prompts, which might unintentionally induce a phishing response from the LLM.